Pisco Lychee

At Rompe Mar, we take pride in producing one of the finest and most versatile piscos out there. Versatility means that our pisco can just as easily be part of an elaborate cocktail (e.g. the pisco punch) as it can be used to create something simple yet powerful. For instance, the Pisco Lychee.
Pisco Lychee, with a light rose colour, garnished with lychee, surrounded by lychees with a bright pink/red outside, on a squared mirror with a brown frame


We take pride in producing one of the finest and most versatile piscos out there. Versatility means that our pisco can just as easily be part of an elaborate cocktail (e.g. the pisco punch) as it can be used to create something simple yet powerful. For instance, the Pisco Lychee. 

The Pisco Lychee is a delightful combination of Rompe Mar pisco and lychee soda that perfectly balances the sweetness of lychee with the bold and complex flavours of our pisco. This cocktail has a subtle and exotic oriental vibe, making it a perfect addition to any brunch or celebration where you want to dazzle your guests with something that can be made upon short notice and get out of Gin & Tonic territory. 

We were inspired to create a simple yet elegant drink with an oriental touch that would appeal to both women and men. With Rompe Mar as the base and after experimenting with a variety of ingredients, we landed on the perfect combination of lychee soda and pisco. This cocktail quickly became a favourite among women, who appreciated its balanced sweetness and smooth finish.


However, do not let that fool you – this cocktail is loved by everyone who tries it, thanks to its well-rounded flavour and refreshing character. So, without further ado, allow us to unveil the recipe for our signature Pisco Lychee cocktail.



45 ml of Rompe Mar Pisco

Lychee soda

A large ice cube

A lychee

A grapefruit peel



 In an old fashioned glass containing the large ice cube, pour the pisco, then top with lychee soda. Gently stir to combine. Garnish with the grapefruit peel and a lychee on a stick.